U.S.A. - Mortality and projection scales
Actuarial Excel Addin
The LX or LX_aea function accepts the following mortality tables and projection scales:
Mortality tables
- PRI2012EE:
- Pri-2012 Employee
- PRI2012RET:
- Pri-2012 Retiree
- ---
- ---
- RP2014A:
- RP-2014 Rates-Healthy annuitant
- RP2014A_BLUE:
- RP-2014 Rates-Healthy annuitant, Blue Collar
- RP2014A_WHITE:
- RP-2014 Rates-Healthy annuitant, White Collar
- RP2014A_TOP:
- RP-2014 Rates-Healthy annuitant, Top quartile (benefit)
- RP-2014 Rates-Healthy annuitant, Bottom quartile (benefit)
- RP2014D:
- RP-2014 Rates-Disabled annuitant
- RP2014E:
- RP-2014 Rates-Employee
- RP2014E_BLUE:
- RP-2014 Rates-Employee, Blue Collar
- RP2014E_WHITE:
- RP-2014 Rates-Employee, White Collar
- RP2014E_TOP:
- RP-2014 Rates-Employee, Top quartile (salary)
- RP-2014 Rates-Employee, Bottom quartile (salary)
- ---
- ---
- RPH2014A:
- RPH-2014 Rates-Healthy annuitant (Headcount weighted)
- RPH2014A_BLUE:
- RPH-2014 Rates-Healthy annuitant, Blue Collar (Headcount weighted)
- RPH-2014 Rates-Healthy annuitant, White Collar (Headcount weighted)
- RPH2014D:
- RPH-2014 Rates-Disabled annuitant (Headcount weighted)
- RPH2014E:
- RPH-2014 Rates-Employee (Headcount weighted)
- RPH2014E_BLUE:
- RPH-2014 Rates-Employee, Blue Collar (Headcount weighted)
- RPH-2014 Rates-Employee, White Collar (Headcount weighted)
- ---
- ---
- IRC417_2022:
- IRC Section 417(e)(3) Unisex rates for distributions, annuity starting in 2022 (years 2016 to 2021 also available)
- IRC430_2022A:
- IRC Section 430(h)(3)(A) Rates for valuation dates in 2022, Annuitant (years 2016 to 2021 also available)
- IRC430_2022NA:
- IRC Section 430(h)(3)(A) Rates for valuation dates in 2022, Non annuitant (years 2016 to 2021 also available)
- IRC430_2022C:
- IRC Section 430(h)(3)(A) Rates for valuation dates in 2022, Combined (years 2016 to 2021 also available)
- ---
- ---
- USA20:
- Period Life Table, 2020 (population mortality) (USA 2019, 2017 also available)
Projection scales (2D - Age and year related)
A 2D projection scale contains the mortality improvement for each age of
the mortality table and for each year, resulting in multiple improvement rates
for each age of the mortality table.
- ECH_MP2021
- ECH_MP2020
- ECH_MP2019
- ECH_MP2018
- ECH_MP2017
- ECH_MP2016
- ECH_MP2015
- ECH_MP2014