Canada - Mortality and projection scales
Actuarial Excel Addin
The LX or LX_aea function accepts the following Canadian mortality tables and projection scales:
Mortality tables
- CPM2011PRIV:
- Canadian Pensioners’ Mortality (CPM) 2011, Prtivate Sector
- CPM2014:
- Canadian Pensioners’ Mortality (CPM) 2014, composite of Public and Private Sector
- CPM2014PRIV:
- Canadian Pensioners’ Mortality (CPM) 2014, Prtivate Sector
- CPM2014PUBL:
- Canadian Pensioners’ Mortality (CPM) 2014, Public Sector
- .....
- GAM94S:
- Group Annuity Mortality Static 1994
- UP94:
- 1994 Uninsured Pensioner (UP-94), formerly 1994 GAM Basic
- UP94ICA **:
- UP94 projected to 2015 with scale AA (ECH_AA)
- ICA2020:
- UP94 projected to 2020 with scale AA (ECH_AA)
- UP84:
- Uninsured Pensioner Mortality 1984
- GAM83:
- 1983 Group Annuity Mortality (GAM) Table
- GAM83 (1983 GAM), unisex, 40% male + 40% female (Prescribed by Canadian Income Tax Regulations to determine maximum funding contributions for significant shareholders registered pension plans)
- GAM71:
- 1971 Group Annuity Mortality (GAM) Table
- NO_QX:
- No mortality before last age of the mortality table (age 120)
- IAM71:
- Individual Annuity Mortality 1971
- Life Table, Canada population, 2020/2022 (CANADA19, CANADA18, CANADA17, CANADA16, CANADA12, CANADA11, CANADA09, CANADA02 also available)
- Life Table, Ontario population, 2018/2020 (ONTARIO19, ONTARIO18, ONTARIO17, ONTARIO16, ONTARIO12, ONTARIO11, ONTARIO09, ONTARIO02 also available)
- Life Table, Québec population, 2018/2020 (QUEBEC19, QUEBEC18, QUEBEC17, QUEBEC16, QUEBEC12, QUEBEC11, QUEBEC09, QUEBEC02 also available)
**: The UP94ICA is the default mortality table of the LX or LX_aea function.
Projection scales (2D - Age and year related)
A 2D projection scale contains the mortality improvement for each age of
the mortality table and for each year, resulting in multiple improvement rates
for each age of the mortality table.
- ECH_MI2024
- ECH_MI2017
Projection scales (1D - Age related)
A 1D projection scale contains the yearly mortality improvement
rate for each mortality rate (i.e. one improvement rate for each age of the mortality table).
The number of years of projection is equal to 'Year of valuation' minus 'Projection base year'.
- ECH_A1
- ECH_CPMB1D2014